Advocating for yourself

So, probably should clarify right off the bat that I am not referring to being in court (in terms of that, I would say to anyone who asked, 'nope don't do it').

I mean the speaking up for yourself type of advocating. It could be at work in your team whether sticking your hand up to offer your perspective or bagging the task you really want, or equally, not agreeing to do something that you don't want to do just because no-one else wants to either. (Different if passed it by your superior - obviously).

It could be at home with your other half or with friends - like stating your boundaries clearly so that you can relax (and actually it helps those that care about you relax too as they know what is important to you).

It an also be, which is why this is todays topic, when you go to the doctors and they say you're fine and you know you're not... (by the way I am taking my NT hat off for this and just being regular human)...

So my serum ferritin came back as 25. The NHS accepted range of being iron sufficient is 15-291. So yes I would like to be more in the middle of that quite large range, but really I just want to feel better. Isn't that the point of healthcare? But having checked out the blood test results the day before my appointment I tried to tell myself that perhaps it wouldn't go the way it has in the past. I mean, I have been 'almost' anaemic a number of times in my life and know the symptoms that show up for me. Unfortunately it did go the way I feared (perhaps my creation?!) and so ended up at the chemist buying iron tablets to self-medicate. I think they were cheaper than a prescription anyhow but still...

Surely that big a range means that there is a lot of variation of individual needs? Maybe my body likes to be a 291-er and so 25 is near empty.

Anyway, my point, not to be lost in my very therapeutic venting :0), is that I still advocated for myself. I made myself heard - even if it was really only truly heard by me. Despite being fatigued and just goddamn bone tired to my core... I chose to calmly explain my symptoms (again - I mean why did I get the test in the first place?). And then when nothing was offered to help I stood up, thanked him for his time, and left. (I then got lightheaded and had to grab the reception desk on my way out). I walked over the road to the chemist and took my own health into my own hands. (I need to just say here that I delayed doing this until I had the test result to confirm my belief as self medicating is not advisable or recommendable, especially if Dr.Google is your research source).

But the point is, advocating for yourself doesn't even need to be out loud, or directed at anyone, and it definitely doesn't need to be a confrontation. It can be as quiet and private as deciding not to do everything on your to do list today and choosing instead to finish at a reasonable time so you can sit down and eat with your loved ones.

When did you last advocate for yourself? If you aren't sure then, no judgement, you have now brought this into your awareness so you can make a choice about what you want to do going forward.



NB. For some people it can help as a starting point to consider - how would you want your loved ones to advocate for themselves?