Mantras? Affirmations?

Do you like a mantra? Or does the word itself stop you going any further?! How about 'affirmation'? :0)

Technically a mantra or an affirmation is just a sentence but usually it is also:

  • short and sweet
  • memorable
  • purposeful
  • intentional
  • useful
  • positive

It is what you would rather think or focus on. As opposed to what thoughts are seemingly just rolling into your brain. Or that voice you may have in your head, either critiquing everything or just giving you a running monologue of what's happening. So in any given situation or in your life in general, what would you rather be thinking?

So rather than focusing on how intelligent you think, or don't think you are, if that doesn't feel great, perhaps it'd feel better to think about how kind you are instead.

Our brains learn, interpret, and understand the world around us by our senses - touch, smell, sound, etc. So, part of what we hear is what we actually say. It is taken in for the brain to include in its information to work out what's going on. Also what we say to ourselves internally gives that thought more energy and life, and attracts other similar thoughts. What kind of thoughts would you rather have? Intentional, useful, and positive by any chance?

Some examples to try on and see if they mean anything for you:

  • It's all made up.
  • I am okay.
  • I am amazing.
  • I am enough.
  • I can't fix anyone.
  • This too shall pass
  • I am kind and genuine.

Okay so what to do with the words? Well say them to yourself as often as you can. You can mutter them under your breath to help get you through a challenging situation. Start your meditation with them or try and make them your last conscious thought before you fall asleep. Say them to yourself in the mirror (warning: this can feel extra strange to start with!) after you brush your teeth. Write them out in your journal if you journal. Put them on post-it notes and stick them on your laptop or the fridge or in your car. Create a reminder on your phone to go off every hour with those words. Or, if you aren't wishing to share these with anyone else, then acronym them.

As an example I really wanted to give something up. It wasn't a particularly damaging habit but it annoyed the shit out of me. If it had been damaging or life-threatening then it would have been easier perhaps, but as it was just frustrating it had evaded previous attempts to stop. I came up with 'I love myself more'. (No, that makes no more sense if you knew what the habit was). And I acronym-ed it to ILMM. I wrote that on the back of my hand so it was noticeable to me (particularly as I do not write on the outside of my hand). And it helped. And I succeeded. I am not saying it didn't still take willpower but the words gave me something else to focus on and think about.

Basically, you can have some control over the thoughts you spend time, energy, and effort on. So choose. And then choose another if you want. It's literally your mind game!

What would you rather be thinking to yourself? :0)